

(a) Tsering Shakya, 'Dragon in the Land of Snows', 1999.
(b) Stand Up for Tibet
(c) International Tibet Network statement, 13 July 2015.

1a. Hu Jintao, Lhasa 19 July 2001.
1b. Tsering Shakya, 'Dragon in the Land of Snows', 1999.
1c. "The Tibetans have every moral right to their independence for which they have fought successfully in the past, and we are committed to support them in maintaining it." (UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office to Chongqing, June 1942).
1d. On 30 March 2011, Court No. 2 of Spain's National High Court, the Audiencia Nacional, acknowledged Tibet is an occupied state under international law.
1e. Radio Lhasa broadcast, 1 October 1960.
1f. Tibet Justice Center.
1g. Stand Up For Tibet.

2a. Liu Yandong, first China Tibetan Culture Forum October 2006.
2b. China White Paper 28 September 2009.
2c. Delaney, Cusack and van Walt van Praag, 'The Case Concerning Tibet', 1998.
2d. Ibid.
2e. International Campaign for Tibet, 'Jampa, the Story of Racism in Tibet', 2001, page 24.

3a. Hu Jintao, 9 March 2009.
3b. US State Department Report on Human Rights 2010.
3c. China’s 2013 public security budget was RMB 769 billion, compared to the 2008 figure of RMB 406 billion. Public security spending has exceeded national defence since 2010. For 2013 figures see Reuters 5 March 2013 and for 2008 figures see here. 2014’s budget was withheld.
3d. Human Rights Watch 'I Saw it With My Own Eyes', 2010.
3e. Free Tibet, August 2014.

4a. Xinhua, 18 January 2015.
4b. Ibid
4c. A M Fischer, 'Perversities of Extreme Dependence and Unequal Growth in the TAR', 2007. Available from Here.

5a. Zhang Qingli, 19 March 2008 & Qiangba Puncog (Jampa Phuntsog), 20 June 2007.
5b. Zhang Qingli, 19 March 2008.
5c. The Independent, 20 May 1996.
5d. The Guardian, 19 October 2011.
5e. International Campaign for Tibet, January 2015.

6a. See Source.
6b. Free Tibet, 'Forked Tongue: Tibetan language under attack', 21 February 2008.
6c. Woeser's Blog, 'When Tibetan Students fight for the Tibetan language', 4 November 2010, translated by Hugh Peaks Pure Earth.
6d. BBC report, 20 October 2010.
6e. Tsering Shakya, 'The Politics of Language', December 2007.

7a. 10th TAR People's Congress, 20 March 2015.
7b. Zhang Qingli, 7 March 2011.
7c. The Independent, 3 November 2010.

8a. Interview for "China's Tibet", 7 May 2011.
8b. Blog post by James Reynolds, BBC, 19 January 2009.
8c. The Times, 10 March 2009.
8d. Lhadon Tethong, 'China's favorite propaganda on Tibet... and Why it's Wrong'.
8e. Tsering Shakya, 'Tibet and China: the past in the present', 2009.

9a. Qin Yizhi, Lhasa Party Secretary, 28 March 2011.
9b. Tibetan Government in Exile.
9c. International Campaign for Tibet, 22 April 2011.
9d. Padma Choling, quoted by Reuters, 7 March 2011.
9e. The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom’s 2014 Annual Report.

10a. State Council Meeting chaired by Wen Jiabao, 30 March 2011.
10b. International Campaign for Tibet 'Tracking the Steel Dragon', 2008, pg 231.
10c. Tibetan government in exile Environment Report 2008. Available from Here.

11a. Li Dezhu State Ethnic Affairs Commission, in Qiu Shi, 1 June 2000.
11b. See Here.
11c. New York Times, 8 August 2002.

12a. Qin Jingfa, Vice Minister or Agriculture, quoted in Xinhua 18 March 1998.
12b. International Campaign for Tibet, 'Tracking the Steel Dragon', 2008.
12c. Gabriel Lafitte, 'Eight Chinese Myths about Tibetan Nomads', 2011.
12d. Padma Choling, 16 January 2011.
12e. Xinhua, 30 May 2012.
12f. Oliver W Frauenfeld and Tingjun Zhang, 'Is Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau Driven by Land Use/Cover Change?' 2005.
12g. Feng Yongfeng, 'The Tibetan Plateau: the plight of ecological migrants', 2008.

13a. Xinhua, 18 January 2015.
13b. Padma Choling, 28 March 2011 & Zhang Qingli, 6 March 2011.
13c. International Campaign for Tibet, 'Tracking the Steel Dragon', 2008.

14a. Zhang Qingli, 28 March 2011.
14b. China File, 14 May 2015.
14c. The Guardian, 24 May 2010.
14d. China File, 14 May 2015.
14e. Conservation International.

15a. Padma Choling, 16 January 2011 and 28 March 2011.
15b. TCHRD report documents crisis of maternal and child health in Tibet, March 2015.
15c. Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, 31 March 2014. Goshul Lobsang tortured with pain-inducing injections, leaves a defiant note after untimely death.
15d. International Tibet Network statement, 13 July 2015.

16a. China White Paper, 25 September 2008 & Notice on Shigatse High School Website, April 2010.
16b. Bhuchung D Sonam, 'Banned Lyrics, Reactionary Songs', 2010.
16c. International Campaign for Tibet, 'A Raging Storm', 2010.

17a. Woeser's blog 'Happiness under Gunpoint' translated by High Peaks Pure Earth, 14 February 2011.
17b. Ibid.